Koichi Takahashi, a self-proclaimed "married woman's heart lover" AV director, can stay at home with her wife's girlfriend full of devotion. There is no reason why a married woman who spends the night alone is nothing. Misuzu 30 years old, 3rd year of marriage, no children, department store information. I was supposed to rent the room of my married woman's friend's husband while the Lord was absent, but ... I decided to stay together in an unexpected place. When I got rid of alcohol, I consulted with the AV director who is shooting how-to things that there is little couple life. A married woman who is made to change into sexy underwear after receiving advice. When she is swept away by a nasty atmosphere and entrusts her body, a cock is inserted into a female genital that is so wet that an embarrassing sound is heard and she cums. It was a married woman who should have finished studying to make her husband feel like that, but when she fell asleep, she masturbated with a toy, and the next morning she played with the sleeping director's cock. Enjoy the pleasure with "Mr. Takahashi feels good? I feel good too" at SEX again.