Buyers who purchase and buy imported European goods. This is the work of Misato Takashiro, who is coming today. Beautiful skin that does not make you feel age. Big eyes and adorable looks. A gentle atmosphere that floats softly. Calm fashion. The impression of an adult woman. Interior and dining supplies. In addition, she handles a wide variety of products, including clothes and accessories, and she often goes to Paris and London to buy products. Inevitably, he often leaves his house, so he has been unable to meet him while living with him, and he said that he has recently canceled his three-year cohabitation life. However, this is because he cared for Misato and cut it out, and by touching his kindness, he seems to be strengthening his feelings, "I want to marry him in the future ...". However, I'm still busy with work. The only time I can meet him is lunch. Furthermore, the last time I piled up my body was three months ago. The accumulated desire could not be resolved by comforting himself, and it seems that he decided to appear this time after seeing the recruitment of luxury TV that he happened to see. A nasty real face shown by a beautiful buyer. The female instinct is exposed and intertwined. There is no doubt that you will fall in love with it.