The world of the Warring States. The Tokuyama family in Sufu moved the gold nugget to the Koga hideout of the Yada clan to protect the treasure they had stored, and the Koga ninja used it with their treasure. However, as a guarantee, Tokuyama ordered the Yada clan to take hostages, and Yada Yukimoto's mother, "Yamakuni," was sent to Tokuyama. However, Yada sent Koga's Kunoichi "Hitome" to Tokuyama as a substitute for "Yamakuni" and planned to defeat Tokuyama and obtain treasure. "Hitome" headed for the hatago where "Yamakuni" hides. However, the rogue shinobi who purchased the information, Genzo Kurihara, occupied the hidden basket of the Koga group and waited for a glance.