Synopsis: "Nanaumi-chan, 20 years old," who usually works part-time at a cat cafe. A girl with a cute appearance like an idol and a gentle talk tone. The gesture that is shy in front of the camera is also cute, but the appearance of gradually screaming is inevitable. Nanami-chan has a body that is easy to feel and gets stuck in the middle of the woman on top posture. "I'm gone .. Wait! !! No! I'm gone again! 』\ I keep being passed away in various positions .. Play content: Interview, check underwear on all fours-tampering with erogenous zones, showing off underwear, kissing, rubbing breasts-sucking nipples, cunnilingus taking off pants-finging, fingering, Floor sitting service-man's nipple messing handjob, blowjob, missionary insertion-climax with vaginal back piston, leg up normal position, sitting position, cowgirl, back, missionary position-boobs launch