I'm in Japan now! Time to watch all the fun end-of-year shows that have piled up!
Thank you TSE!! I didn't think I'd be invited after I retired, but I had a lot of fun with Yagi-chan🫶 Thank you so much to everyone who came to see me~! Have a happy new year⠒̫⃝
I'm so glad I took photos at the boob wall every day!!!
I finally got to meet Ripo D! I said "Good luck with the boob booth!" and she said "Yes!!" I don't have any photos!
It's finally the last day of TSE!!!!!! Let's have fun until the very end!!!
I also brought along the digital camera I unearthed from my parents' house to take lots of photos of Yagi Nana!
The second day of TSE is over! And today is Kano Yura's 26th birthday 🧁 It's my first time celebrating my birthday overseas! The staff prepared a surprise cake for me, which made me super happy (;o;)♡ Thank you so much,, Tomorrow is the last day! I'm looking forward to meeting lots of people~🫶
Second day of TSE! Today is my birthday🎂 Nice to meet you, boobs!
I was so happy because it was my dream to talk through a megaphone.