Time to say goodbye to my old place!
Merry Xmas from SNK!
Signed, sealed, delivered for the holidays!
What happens in Gacha Vegas stays in Gacha Vegas...
Hope you're enjoying my new merch from @GamerSupps in your hands now~
4度目のコラボ♡⃛︎ 今回はレトロをテーマにしました!
Through thicc and thin...
Had so many things to do today!
Use my code "KAHO" if you're a first-timer at TENGA USA/EU shop!
Happy Thanksgiving🦃
Thank you for always being here to see how I'm doing~ I hope you have a good feast.
Achieved my diet goal~ No Ozempic, but still epic!
目標だった44kgを切りました✴︎ 女子高生の頃まで遡る数字です‥
Explored, streamed, and embraced autumn in Kanazawa🍁
Reunion after Tokyo Game Show♡ Cannot wait to do more for the new game~
2ヶ月ぶりに♪ 早くまたミナト区系女子として皆様の前に立ちたいですな!
My Twitch channel has been blessed with super cute emotes🥹 Kawaii overload...サブスクエモート増えてます!
It's been 10 years as Kaho Shibuya🙌 Time does fly when you're having fun.
Writing for a new book♡ It's super fun, although I'll definitely need to stream often for human interactions👉👈
新刊の原稿を書いてまして‥ 至極楽しい!でも日々一人で籠る作業なので、しっかり配信などで息抜きさせてください☺︎
The half-a-year-ago photos were referenced for 3D modeling horse cosplay, which made me felt thiccer.
Check out the new TT episode on YouTube💜 We talked about topics from my appearance in the upcoming Yakuza game to VR BJ!
6 months, -15kg
スキニーデニム買っちゃった\(◜◡◝ )/
Found something close enough to hentai IRL.
Their office design is dope!
Either my waist became skinny for the harlem pantsu or I loved them and wore too often...
Thanks for the gift, SEGA of America... The Yakuza × @InsertCoinTees collab is dope!
セガ・オブ・アメリカさんから龍が如くグッズ頂きました〜 メッセージカードが"Hello Kyodai"♡
Finally finished Metaphor: ReFantazio on stream so I'm back here🫡
メタファーに夢中で投稿お休みしてましたー ただいま!
I needed to cinch the costume from last year
... Diet is working🙌
Coming back to AnimeLA again🙌 Let's enjoy the beginning of the new year~
I'm on Twitch front page today! Come hang out at Shibuya_Kaho channel♡
Thanks profusely for my queen's merch🥹
カプコンさんが本社を構える大阪で、素敵なお土産を頂きました‥ 私の初恋は春麗❤︎
Furisode-style kimono is traditionally for young unmarried women👘 One theory is that they used to swing the long sleeves to reciprocate the feelings of their love interests.
Took the trash out today🗑️
Threw up from food poising... it's been a while since when I felt peer-pressured to try a tequila shot as a university student and I feel awful now😭
They have a scale on which you can play KOF while weighing yourself... such a cool office✧
It's been 2 years since I last visited Universal Studios Japan! Perfect way to touch grass🌱
久々のユニバ♡ 次回はドンキーコングエリアが開業した頃かしら⸜(˙꒳˙)⸝
Check out this SEGA pop up shop if you're in Osaka!
Thanks for such an adorkable experience♡
Thank you for TGS 2024! I cannot wait to do more promotions for Like a Dragon: Yakuza♡
改めまして‥東京ゲームショウありがとうございました✴︎ 龍が如くオーディション合格時から更に3kg減らしたのですが、ミナト区系女子っぽく見えてたら嬉しいです!
Yakuz-yeah!! Thank you, @q_natsuumare for our name boards with oshi♪
We finally met in person! Thanks Like A Dragon :Yakuza for making that happen, and you'll see both of us in the new game♡
実はkson総長と生で会うの初だったので、龍が如くに感謝〜 新作は2人とも出ますᙏ̤̫
Love this~ They added lights from below today! Also I seem to have gotten better at finding the best chest-resting and leg-showing spot♡
実は‥本日より下からのスポットライトが加わり、映えるように! 個人的に胸置きと脚出しのベスポジ探しも上達した?
Got 12 kinds of majima from 20 tries✌️
Played the new Yakuza demo after Day 1🎮 New combat is super fun, Majima can even rock the "Pirate King" hat, and... big thanks for bringing Dragon Kart to Hawaii!
初日終了後に「龍が如く8外伝」の試遊させてもらいました♡ 戦闘もコーデも豊富で楽し過ぎる‥ドラゴンカート1位いえい!
They know how to throw a party and build a cool booth! Go SEGAaaaaaa
This handmade custom dress (!) is what I'll be wearing this weekend as Minato Ward Girl for the Pirate Yakuza game~
Find me at SEGA booth for Like A Dragon promotion at Tokyo Game Show this weekend! I'll be mainly at photo spot.
( ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)っドーゾ
I'm officially co-streaming RGG SUMMIT 2024 on my Twitch channel! Let's share the excitement together~
See you soon on Sep 20 (Fri) 6pm JPT♡
龍が如く最新情報が出る「RGG SUMMIT 2025」公認ミラー配信を私のTwitchチャンネルで行います!ゆえに今夜は早めの18時から開始ですᙏ̤̫
Thanks for my first RGG livestream as a host! Leave comments on the VOD so that they can hear your voices... like
we want Kenzan to be finally available in English 🙏
I'm at OniGiri's kitchen and ready to cook💪
明日は朝から龍が如く公式チャンネルの英語配信に出演します!RGG SUMMIT前日♡
I'll be hosting an ENG livestream for @RGGStudio tomorrow, Thursday the 19th, starting from 10am JPT!
8 international cons in 9 months got me physically exhausted but emotionally fulfilled. Thanks for all the invites!
Next event is Tokyo game show back in sweet home♡
9ヶ月で8つの海外イベント出演めっちゃ疲れたけれど、お陰様で充実してました。 次は東京ゲームショウ♪